The UKBCCI carried out a formal handover ceremony for its outgoing president, Mr Bajloor Rashid MBE and incoming president Mr Nazmul Islam Nuru last Thursday 27th August. The ceremony took place at the Raj Garden in Bushey on Thursday 27th August, hosted by Mr Siddiqur Rahman Joynal and Mr Saiful Alam. Even though Mr Nuru has been acting president since July this was the first opportunity that the official handover was able to happen due to Covid-19 restrictions.In attendance were directors and members of the UKBCCI, distinguished guests, members of the community and the media.The directors and many of the guests took it in turn to offer their support vocally to the new president and also to acknowledge the important contribution that the outgoing president, Mr Rashid, had made as its founding president for his leadership and commitment. Notably for the two trade delegation tours to Bangladesh, his involvement in roadshows, networking events and seminars, but for also being the creator of the UKBCCI Business & Entrepreneur Excellence Awards, which as a brand gained industry recognition after only three years from its inaugural launch in 2016.Chairman Mr Iqbal Ahmed OBE showed his appreciation for Mr Rashid and added “We have all at UKBCCI travelled very far together I sincerely wish that together we will work with the new team to raise UKBCCI to another level”.Mr Rashid congratulated his colleagues in their new board roles, consisting of President: Mr NI Nuru, Vice President: Jamal Uddin Mockadus, Finance Director: Kamru Ali and the London Regional President: Mr Oli Khan.He said that he was very grateful for the praise and thanks and the way he was honoured. He was humbled that so many people spoke and offered kind words including all the UKBCCI directors and also Mr Jakaria Huq, Commercial Counsellor for Trade, Commerce and Investment from the Bangladesh High Commission based in London and Mr Taysir Mahmud editor of the ‘Weekly Desh’.Mr Rashid went on to say that although he leaves the post he is not going anywhere and will remain on the board as an active member standing side by side with his colleagues.He believes that the organisation remains very strong with its leadership team and that he feels they are united and focused in their quest to support, nurture and develop businesses in the coming years.
UKBCCI – Facebook Live – International Conference by Zoom- Thursday 6th August 3.30pm – 5.00pm GMT. Don’t Miss it!
UKBCCI Board Changes
Coronavirus: Chancellor’s £30bn plan to save jobs
Please click on the BBC News link below to see the measures Chancellor Rishi Sunak is taking to aid the economy and save jobs.
Latifur Rahman dies aged 75
It is with great sadness that we report that Latifur Rahman died earlier today.
We were very proud to honour him with the UKBBCI Lifetime Achievement Award at the Entrepreneur and Excellence Awards in 2017.
Latifur Rahman was the Founder Chairman and CEO of Transcom Group. Mr Rahman took over control of the group in 1967, steering his company through very challenging times after the country gained independence in 1971.
Transcom is one of the leading conglomerates in Bangladesh.
UKBCCI Directors, members and their families would like to extend their prayers to the family of Mr Rahman, sending deepest condolences at this very sad time.
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