Winning a prestigious award is no mean feat in itself, but UKBCCI Director Farzana Hossain Neela went further by being awarded by Prime Minister David Cameron at the recent British Bangladeshi Business Awards 2015.
The category awarded was the highly coveted Best Business Woman Entrepreneur
In front of an array of the crème de la crème of the British Bangladeshi business community, Neela, who is the Managing Director of Neela’s Home Ltd, which successfully imports spices into the UK from Bangladesh, was handed the award by the Prime Minister, who then proceeded to speak to her on stage.
“The funny thing is,” said Neela, “I was originally told that it would be the Deputy Prime Minister who would be presenting me the award. But when I realised it was the Prime Minister himself, I immediately started shaking because I never could have imagined I would be presented such an award by the top man in the country. It was the best gift of my life!”
Neela added: “Mr Cameron asked me how many employees I had and a few other quick questions as I received the award. It’s such a lovely validation of my business I feel and what it does is that it also makes me want to go further and keep on improving and expanding my business.”